To exit this courtyard, look for the only lighted lamp next to the
adjacent door. Run up the wall to grab the ledge and climb up. Jump up
and then make a jump and chain swing to the beam. Jump to the adjacent
railing and hop over. Head inside the brothel area and run up the wall
to activate the switch for the door.
Slow down time and then exit the room. Move forward and use Landscape
View. You'll see a large curtain and a Rotation Handle on the upper
right side of the screen.
Hop over the railing and slide all the way down the curtain to the
bottom. Destroy the enemies and then hop onto the pole that is
completely straight and climb it up.
Jump to the middle pillar and shimmy left then climb up. Jump up and
the camera view will show an Archer across from you. Leap to the
railing and then sneak up and use a Quick Kill on the Archer.
Use a Wall Run to the next area and destroy the two enemies that
appear. Go around the area but WATCH OUT for the Archer on the adjacent
balcony! When he turns around, do a Wall Run to his area and then use a
Quick Kill on him in the room he enters. In the room the Archer
entered, look for the corner next to the large bed and use a continuous
Wall to wall jump to the top.
Exit the room and turn right to find the Rotation Handle. Rotate it to
bring down a swing pole. The Archer will see you no matter what so
block his arrows. Now do a Wall Run and chain swing to the next balcony
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