the outside wall of the tower and climb down into the room. Once there, break all the boxes for items. Talk and listen to the child, then go push the metal crate so she can escape. Exit the room, go north toward the fountain and go west to the wall. Stay against the west wall and go north and kill three skeleton archers. Continue north to the River of Death (DON'T step in the water!) SAVE GAME! Dip your piece of iron shield in the water. Enter the south end of the boat house and talk to the boatman. Keep clicking him till he tells you about "Judging the skulls on the left",..."Down Creation plus Completion equals All Things." Turn around and exit the boat house. Turn slightly left and carefully enter the open area with a pedestal and a Weeper. Take it out with your crossbow from distant shots (weepers draw life out of you.) Read the pedestal about "Seven holds the key...." Exit the room, get out your sword and continue east along the riverbank. Kill all rising zombies and any other monsters. You come to a wall blocking your eastward route along the river. Turn south and stay against the left wall. Three skeletons are just around the south corner. Keep against the left wall and pass a spiked gate. Continue east and take the second left into a room with many urns. Shoot them all from a distance, then collect all the goodies. Exit south to the wall and turn east. Go east to the wall and turn south. Go south to the second left and pick up a rock. At the east wall, go north to wall and turn right to a wall switch and pull it down. This turns off fireball traps on the other side and just north. ... Далее >>