to the Teleport Tower in the northwest area of your map (the gold star) and careful of any carnivorous plants there. Climb the tower and stand on the swirling circle. At the lower left of your map, scroll to The Kingdom of Daventry. Then click the lower right teleport icon to go there. Just east of where you arrive, go east to the Unicorn-beast, at the foul pool, and give it the unicorn horn. You get a small dark crystal pyramid in return. Go to the brown Kavanagh house in the extreme west northern area of the map. Inside, talk to Gwennie and get the gold she offers. Then talk to her again. Go back to the teleporter in Castle Keep and teleport back to the Swamp. Climb down the teleporter tower, return to the Witch's Tower in the extreme SE and step into the whirlpool in back to teleport to the Underground Realm of the Gnomes. UNDERGROUND REALM OF THE GNOMES. SAVE! Rock Demons rise out of the floors, Bat Mantas drop from the ceilings, and Zombies roam the halls. You arrive in an entry hall. Look for a rock and health items. Pick mushrooms and break barrels. Get ready to use your hand weapon. Throw a rock onto the pressure plate to open the main door. Watch out for a Bat Manta on the other side. Enter and kill the bat. From the main door, go due east and kill a rock demon around the first corner. Bust barrels, get health items and any rocks. Hear that digging? At the dead end, speak to the Gnome and pick up a rock. Exit and go back past the main door heading due west. Take the first left (south) and go down a slope (kill a bat) that angles back east under the entry hall. Continue zig zagging east to a dead end and talk to another ... Далее >>