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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: King's Quest 8 Mask of Eternity
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 41 Текущая : 15

portal to make sure.) Get out your crossbow and step through
the swirling portal. Step forward, turn left and shoot the
skeleton archers. Jump onto the lower block, then the taller
block. Make sure you see Connor, press F2 if necessary.
SAVE GAME! Be sure you're in walk mode (End toggles walk or
run) and carefully walk to the far edge of the tall block
(next to the small block.) Put away your weapon and switch to
run mode. Make a running jump across the river. Avoid the
deadly river and stand in front of the statue. Get the shield
potion from the statue. Look at the skull collection in the
left cabinet. On the bottom shelf, take the seventh skull from
the left.
Turn right and go to the column with a crack in it. Push the
column into the river. In third person view, use the fallen
column and make a running jump across the river. Exit the hall
through the portal. Approach the northeast portal, inscribed
with Hall of War. Make sure your red health meter is high. Get
out your crossbow and SAVE GAME! Step through the portal, turn
right and shoot the archer.
Go around the pedestal and shoot the archer on this side. Get
his coins. Cross the bridge by carefully walking on the right
side railing to the gap. Jump across and carefully continue to
the other side. Get the potion of strength from the anvil. See
if the skeleton dropped anything. Put your skull (from hall of
respite) on the headless statue.
Pick up the Feather of Truth, and Save again if you want. Go
back across the bridge railing and exit through the portal
*(you might need the game patch right here!) Go through the
southwest portal marked with Hall of Immortality. Pick up the
red potion of reveal and exit through the portal. Finally, go
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: Олег (Legion) Когда: 27:10:2000 - стр. 15 -


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