on the inner black outline on the floor. When the doors open, enter the north room and take the Key of Order from the altar. Exit the Hall of Order and ready your weapon. Bust all urns on you way. In the room with sun bursts around the walls, exit left and E to wall, S to wall, turn east and take the next right to zig zag south to next left and check your health. Then SAVE! and switch to your bow. Slowly advance one step at a time till you see archers in the shadows. Kill them and possibly some zombies, then quickly switch to your sword and kill the commander skeleton. Use your Key of Order to open the gold door. Enter the back room and get the Chalice of Order from the altar. A new precept is inscribed on your tablet. Exit to the corridor and zig zag south, then go west to the gold door and a voice says "Speak thou of Order." Use your tablet on the door, enter the passage and the final area loads. If you've been busting everything, killing and picking up potions and crystals, you should have plenty on hand. Click the Archon by the door. If you have everything necessary, he lets you pass. Enter the Altar Room. After talking with Lucreto, approach the altar and Lucreto attacks leaving your health very low. Use mushrooms and crystals right now to rebuild your health to full. Take a mask piece and place it on the altar. Lucreto feels threatened and appears. Fight him till he vanishes. Put another mask piece on the altar. Fight Lucreto again (how's your health?) Put a third mask piece on the altar and fight again. Place a fourth mask piece on the altar (Lucreto doesn't appear!) Place the final mask piece on the altar and a swirling vortex appears. Don't get ... Далее >>