Now all 16 cells should be open. Get everything from each cell. In the last cell on the east end and on the left (north) side, pull the lever to open the main northern exit. For now though, return west to the switch room. SWITCH ROOM. Ready your crossbow. Face the west double doors and drink a red Potion of Reveal. The doors are an illusion. Get close enough to see the huge Egyptian Skeleton and fire away to kill it before going through the fake door. Watch the wandering Spirits and notice their patrolling pattern. Put away your weapon, approach the platform steps and SAVE GAME! Do a careful walking jump onto the front edge of the main platform, but not into the spirit' path. Switch to run mode. Time your run and jump past the spirits onto the center platform. Your health will be depleted. Drink only Sacred Water to heal! Third from left in inventory. Now take the hammer and the spirits leave. Go back through the illusion door to the switch room. Exit the switch room to the north and turn right. Take the first left and follow the path around this Northwest Tower. You have to climb twice to reach the top. Get four healing crystals and a red Potion of Reveal. You need the reveal potion much later in a frozen region, so don't use it until then. Climb down twice, go down the incline and return to the large open fountain area. Get against the east wall, go south and take the first left (east.) Turn south again and take the first left. Turn north and take the next right. Turn south and pick up another rock. Since you're just south of the central tower, go up around it and pick up the rocks you left there. Return to the north central structure. Make sure you're in ... Далее >>