shard on the floor. Look in the barred room to see a chest and a frozen Henchman. Look at the slot by the door and realize, "Could be a locking device. Perhaps something fits there." Open the front door and Connor tries to walk out but nearly trips on the door gap. Press F2 if necessary to see Connor and the doorway at the same time. Put the ice shard in the door gap, then use the flame sword to melt it. Use your ice bow to re-freeze it, then pick up your new ice lever. Back inside at the barred door, use the ice lever on the door slot. Enter the room and you automatically break the frozen Henchman and get the fourth mask piece from the chest. The Henchman reforms so kill him again, drink potions if necessary. Exit the Stronghold, go around the left side of the cold lake, returning south to the crystal dragon. Ride the dragon back across the lake. From the dragon's pen, go south and west past the Snow Palace and a teleporter on your left. Continue northwest up a steep trail to the Gryph Cave and go right on past the Gryph guards. Talk to the King and he gives you a Blue Adamant. Return to the dragon and fly across the lake again. Return to the far north central area on the map and climb the back wall of the Stronghold again. Now to use the 3 ingredients to make the Permanent Spell of Might. Put the Blue Adamant, Basilisk tongue, and slice of gold mushroom in the chair. Pull the lever for electricity and get the spell. Notice the increase in your weapon and armor points. Use your grappling hook to climb down the back of the Stronghold. On the west side of the Stronghold, go through the V shaped crevice and kill 2 Ice Orcs. Follow the curving trail south and kill some more Orcs. Continue south until the West ... Далее >>