(from Graham's picture) to unlock the door and enter. This is a Teleporter room. DO NOT use it right now! Exit the room and run down the hall to the right, hugging the right hand wall as you run. An arrow trap is firing away. If you hurry, you can safely round the corner before getting it in the backside. Exit the castle keep and go due east through a narrow pass in the hills. You'll find a big beast with it's forelegs in a foul pond. Don't step in the toxic water. Talk to the beast, which is actually a unicorn. Click on the beast till she has nothing new to say. Go around the beast and head south to the Alchemist's house-with the boarded up front door. Bust the boards with your axe, then put it away. Enter and get the scroll for a Permanent Spell of Might. In inventory, right click the scroll to see the ingredients needed: A piece of giant golden mushroom, a blue adamant, and the tongue of a basilisk; combine these under a blast of lightning, or something similar! Turn right to the shelf by the stove. Get the Elixir of Life and the Potion of Shield. Go back to the church down in the extreme south central part of the map. Approach the front door and your rope/hook arrow should appear. Use your rope and hook on the wall and climb to the roof. Approach the hole in the roof on the correct side and use your rope and hook to climb down inside the church. Take the burning candle from the side table in the entryway (sacred flame.) Approach the large urn in the back near the lectern. Push the urn, and through the window you see the mausoleum door open. Return to the entryway and click some coins once on the offering box. Use your rope and hook to climb to the roof. ... Далее >>