(looks like people standing around.) Take one step at a time till you get close enough to hear loud whispering. Get too close and they go under water. Use your Hearing Horn on them to hear about a Mask piece. Go north and northeast to a cove with giant mushrooms. Get all small mushrooms you can. In the back of the cove, get a piece of the Golden Mushroom with your sword. It's an ingredient for the Permanent Spell of Might. Exit the cove, go north then northeast to a grove of dangerous Mandragor Trees. Each one has two protective upright roots. Go around the left side to the back of the cove. You'll see a corpse hanging from a root. You HAVE get that Crossbow. SAVE GAME! Rush in and take it and get away before suffering too much damage. To fight a Mandragor, use your sword to cut one of it's roots, rush in and slice up the tree. Exit the grove of trees and stay to your right against the hill avoiding toxic water. As you go northwest along the hill, you'll eventually notice a scaffold building surrounded by toxic water. In the building is a teleporter. Forget it right now and stay to the right as you round the cliff in a northerly direction. Make sure your armed with the sword. You'll start to see Wisps, snake like plants sticking up. Get too close and they strike. Stay close to the cliff and cut the ones too close for you to safely pass. To do this, squarely face one from a distance, take a step and slash, take another step and slash. Do this slash and step till you safely cut the Wisp off. Continue to a far northwest cove where you see sparkling patches of floating light. Get close and talk to the Swamp Wisps. They ask for a secret ... Далее >>