Back upstairs now to go west and south down the next set of Stairs
to another point in the next level. North to find a door where you
need to use the Sun Key. Fight more Skeletons through this door.
Keep east till you find a long passage leading north and pass over
four sets of Bodies. Yuk!.
Through the door west and south down the corridor to find six
Teleports, three to the east and three to the west. All take you
to separate areas in the Shrine level. Each of these relate to the
name of a God and it is under these names that I'll explain each
section. Firstly the eastern Teleports north to south -
GEB - Entry point is in the northwest. Head east after the first
door and, passing a door south, fight Skeletons in the northeast.
Return to the door south and go west, fighting Skeletons through a
door west. South and then east again and another battle before
finding a Puzzlemouth. Say "Geb" and the wall opens to the east
allowing progress north. Battle with Mummies and Skeletons to
allow you free access to a Chest containing the Armour of Geb.
Through the door east to find the Teleport back to the Red Circle
square just north of the original Teleport.
BALA - Same entry point. Once through the third door head north to
find the enemy through the second door north and again in the
northeast area. Back to head through the door south and head
progressively east to find another Puzzlemouth. Take time out to
dispose of Skeletons to the north just before you enter the door
to the Puzzlemouth. Say "Bala" to go north. After the battle find
a Black Necklace in the Chest. Then teleport back to the Red
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