Map Snakesign on a 15 x 15 Grid.
There are four points of entry to the Village, north, south, east
or west. In the southern area meet Melchlor, a Monk who tells you
about Sansri the Goddess of Snakes. Say "Mork" and "Temple" for
further information. Note the ladder leaning against the locked
window for a smile later on upstairs in the Inn.
To the west is the Food shop, rations here only cost 5 Gold so
stock up here in future if money is a problem. In the northwest is
a Healer who you'll need if you haven't equipped yourself with the
appropriate healing Herbs once inside Sansri's Temple. To the
northeast meet Shi'ra who Melchlor referred to earlier. Say
"Temple" to be advised that the Entrance to the Temple proper only
opens at Midnight. To the east also is a Wiseman who'll assess
(Identify) your possessions for a price.
In the southeast is a Shop that sells an item you'd have given
your eye teeth for earlier - yes, it sells Lockpicks amongst other
things! Programmers can be right so-and-so's now and then.
In the centre of the Village is the Tower Inn. Speak to the young
man inside to learn that, once inside the Temple, stepping on the
Snake symbols causes the male members of the Party damage.
Upstairs meet the Landlord's wayward wife who seems to think
Woodpeckers can climb ladders!
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