In the Inn there's an amusing encounter with the landlord's wife,
particularly if you've noted the ladder outside the Inn earlier.
You'll find Kelvin inside. He'll tell you about his lost Harp and
that the Riddle Master has it. The Riddle Master's Tower is
located on an island way down southeast of the island. Take a
bearing from the most eastern point east of the White Wizard Tower
and sail your boat south until you sight the island. Use the
Crystal Ball as a navigation aid. You'll also meet Thaer who tells
you about the harp.
Sub quests identified, in order of battle difficulty -
1. Donner's Mine
2. Tower of Riddles
3. Dragon Island
Map reference 090/359
Cave entrance in rocks located due west of Gemstone. You can
enquire about Donner in the Inn.
Map on a 28 x 9 Grid.
Entry point is from the southeast heading west. Keep south and
west to use your Pickaxe on rocks prior to fighting Caverats to
the north.
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