and a Rusty Key.
Return to the first set of stairs and descend into a smallish
area. Make your way east to find Ranger bones and lots of useful
items plus 348 Gold. In the north of this section are a set of
Back upstairs and down the other set of stairs and head east,
there's nothing of use to the west. As you travel east look in the
first set of alcoves north and south to pick up loads of useful
Herbs. Keep at least one Packet of Herbs to give to Atacar in the
Cave of Manyeyes later in the game. Through the door east to
encounter Bloodsuckers and again through the second door south. Go
right down to the southeast to polish off another set.
Use your Pickaxe on the Rocks to the west and fight two more sets
of Bloodsuckers before using the Rusty Key on the Keyhole in the
Wall. A door is created to the south. Enter it and go north
through two doors to be rewarded with the discovery of a Chest
containing a Piece of Amberstar, 7 Gems and 825 Gold.
Map reference - 217/345
Located on the large island due south of the main island. Can only
be reached by flying on the Eagle or by use of the Windgates and
you can't use those unless you've got the Artefact that's inside
Sanri's Temple!
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