Map reference - 209/047
Located within a Mountain range in the northeast. Only accessible
by Air Eagle. The building near here can be explored at any time.
There are a few Skeletons and Ghosts to vanquish and one or two
Treasures to find.
Map three levels, the first on a 38 x 38 and then the Tower and
Cellar levels both on 13 x 13 Grids.
Entry point is from the mid-south. Once through the first door
possession of the reunited Amberstar will open the second.
At the junction go west. Be wary down this corridor as at each
crossroad there is a Spinner. In the southwest are two sets of
Yellowslimes to fight and a third set up the first passage north.
Head north at the final crossroads of the Spinner corridor and go
east. Down the third passage south is a Chest containing a host of
good Scrolls, Hurricane, Earthquake, Conversion of Dust, two
Reincarnation and Salvation Scrolls plus a Magic Sphere and two
At the end of the passage east is a door north. Avoid the centre
of this room as there are four Spinners here. Go north and west
disposing of Yellowslimes in the north. Through the door west
round a twisty passage and fight another set before passing
through a door north and finding another load of Yellowslimes. To
the west is another set but your way lies east. Make your way
east then north meeting two sets of Yellowslimes. Then west and
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