Located in the rocks at the end of the Desert northeast of
Entry point is in the mid south. Meet the Puzzlemouth and say
"Jasmin". This name derived from talking to Olfin in the Jewel
Inn in Crystal. Forward to meet a Planthulk to the east and
another in the room south of here.
Going through the door north and heading west will bring another
Planthulk battle. North and east via Area C meet the final
Planthulk monster. Taking the five outer areas in the following
sequence -
Area A. - Fight Krakens on the shore line, hang about and tempt
them onto the beach, or in the shallows if your swimming abilities
are up to it. When they're all kaput head to the opposite shore
line and take the Lily from the altar.
Area B. - Same tactics as in Area A with the Krakens. The target
shoreline is to the west. Then north to discover the Forget-me-not
flower on the altar.
Area C. - This links rooms together. You'll now meet Trents which
are Tree Monsters and they're tougher than Krakens. There are a
few of these to dispose of before crossing a bridge to find
another cave entrance.
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