Map reference - 146/011
Located within the Whirlpool which is north of the main island.
Be warned that this is a tough area and that characters should be
well equipped with Potions, Rations and Light spells before
entering. There is no way back until the castle has been found and
explored. However - should entry be via the Windgates a key is
needed, as the key is only to be found on the other side of the
door ... you do need to first enter by the Whirlpool but can
use the Windgate if you need to return rather than go through the
pain of walking through the Marshes.
Maps - the cave area needs to be hand drawn and it's a bit of a
pig. I've attempted below to show roughly where the places of
interest are.
Sand Sand -----------------------------
------ -------- Grass "Ships End village"
Entry point Sand ---------------------------
Ship wrecks --------
------- ------------ ---------------------------
Sand ------ Marsh
------- Sand ----------------------------------
----------------- Treasure north of Volcano
Sand Marsh -------------
CASTLE -------
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