Statues that give, collectively, the following message - " Find.
The (beware the spinner between this statue and the next) Secret
doors. Meet him. Way. Is. Manyeye. From. Only. Escape. The". I'm
sure you get the gist. Back through the door and north to find a
Teleport. Bash the Skullhunters before entering it and be sent
into the northeast area of the map. North to fight Skullhunters
then east and south to use Pickaxe on Rocks to expose more Stairs
Upstairs read the sign on the door "Transporter Room". So this is
the place referred to in the Diary. To the north is a room with
three Teleports. The western passage has a door west. Fight the
Skullhunters then go south through a false wall to step on another
symbol. Avoid the centre of the three Teleports, it's a trap. The
picture on the wall says "Transformer defective, please do not
use" Ho ho ho, Thallion! The other Teleports say something about
New Force.
Back down to go right into the northeast corner and enter a
Teleport that returns the Party to an alcove in the southwest of
the map. Retrace your steps to the place where you first
Teleported and go west. Look out for a spinner at the crossroads.
Keep west then north past Skullhunters and round to another
staircase up. The sign upstairs says "Storeroom" and there are
Packets of Herbs to be found in the northwest barrel. Fight
Skullhunters then find loads of Herbs in the northeast. Enter a
false wall and in the southeast step on the final symbol. Before
returning to the stairs in the centre of the map explore the
mid-north area to find four alcoves. From west to east the alcoves
contain Armour & Robes, Weapons, Helmets and then Five Torches &
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