Six Potions. There are a set of Skullhunters to the west of the
Back upstairs to find that a passage has opened up in the north
allowing the Party to progress. But first you must go through a
series of traps. A Blinding Light in the first room and a Green
Mist in the second. Finally Poison Gas Spores causing you Disease
in the third.
Onwards then to enter the next Level. Entry point is from the
southeast. Proceed west, onwards through a false wall. Should you
explore the northern passage first you find a message saying "If
you find no way search where it is not possible". Once through the
wall another message to the north of here says "You will see at
the centre, the centre, and next to it is the only true way to
Make your way southwest to find three Teleports. The western one
takes you into the northeast area where you find three more
Teleports. Use the centre one here as the other two transport you
back to the start of the level. Again you'll see three Teleports,
again take the centre one as the other two again lead back to the
start. Now in the third room are three more Teleports. Once more
take the centre Teleport to the room south and fight Mutants
there. Go east and south to discover a Chest with a Piece of the
Amberstar plus ten Gems. Return west to Teleport back into the
Back again in the southwest take the eastern Teleport to be
transported to the northwest. Immediately fight Mutants. Before
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