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escape from the path of the next boulder. Throw a Flare into the niche. Run down the hallway about ten meters and roll. If the boulder drops, run back down the hall. If it doesn't, venture a bit further and roll again. When the boulder drops, beat feet back to the lit niche. You should have enough time to avoid the second boulder and reach safety. Once it passes, continue down the hallway. At the end of the hallway, there's a ledge you can jump up and grab.
Crawl through into the hallways beyond. To the left, walk cautiously a widely around the corner. Pause to take out the snake. To the right from the crawlspace entrance is the correct route. At the intersectionнwhich you'll soon doubleback to, take a right. Follow the hallway as it winds to the left. Grab the Shotgun shells. Now doubleback to that last intersection. Back at the intersection, the crawlspace entrance is to the left. Head to the right.
Follow the hallway. At the slightly raised floor in the intersection, look to the left. Push the block at the end of the short hall past the raised floor. From the point where you push the block, turn and head to the right. Head to the right at the next intersection. Follow the hallway. There are several short dead-ends, but only one long hall. At the end of the long hall, you'll find a hole in the floor.
Drop down the hole, and continue to follow the hall. Climb up the ledge and crawl through to the intersection. Just out the crawlspace, the path to the lair is to the left. Follow the hallway from the intersection, and you'll find a room with a Save Crystal above a hole in the floor. Take the Flares, and jump over the hole to take the crystal.
Hang and drop down the hole, and you'll land in the middle of four snakes. ... Далее >>