box, ready to pan the camera up and to the right ... Run and jump from the trail near the metal box to the ledge. Dispose of the snake near the bush, then run and jump to the closest portion of the distant walkway. Run off the end of the path when it dead-ends, and you'll land on a ledge below. Continue along the trail, stepping down to claim a Large Medi Pack, then go back to the trail and run for the rocks. Run, jump, and grab toward the rock pile from the ledge, and continue to the top of the box, wary of the snake. Drop through the hole in the top of the large metal box and you'll fall into a waterway far below. Swim along until you can surface.
The large canyon is dominated by the waterfalls at one end. In the opposite direction from the falls, the trail is less glamorous. That's your route. Be ready for a bird attack the first time down the path. There are a couple of harrowing jumpsнlike around a corner to grab a ledgeнbut get used to it. This is the big backtrack route. Eventually, you reach a high ledge. You should be on the same level with the rock formation. Run and jump across the canyon to the ledge on the far side. Since this is your first trip, you might as well climb down and get the secret. From the secret, drop into the water below. There's plenty of stuff scattered on the river floor. Don't overlook the waterfall niches
From the water, climb the low red rock near the waterfall. Climb the tall red rock next to that. Run and jump to the slope directly across the canyon. Don't grab! If you just run and jump, you arrive standing up. Time for the big backtrack. Head back around the canyon as you did to find the secret, but this time stick to the upper path. Jump shy of the bush, or you'll step on the snake lurking thereabouts. Don't fall in the hole on the ledge when you jump past the rock. Past the rock and the hole, hang from the ledge and drop to the crack below. Shimmy left. From the ledge at the end of the crack, jump up and grab the underside of the ledge. Swing hand-over-hand to ... Далее >>