beside the cell next door, and the inmate comes out to battle the guard. Open up all the cell doors, and notice the one which was open to begin with.
Push the first box, and a crawl space is revealed. Crawl through, and push the box, this allows you to push the first box back down the passage, exposing the same crawl space, now on your right. By manipulating the boxes and using the crawl space, you can reach the sector which you originally pushed the second box into. Up above the passage which leads from the cell, you can jump and grab a walkway. Run and jump across the barbwire pit.
Walk through the barbwire to reach the switch. Use the ledge near the switch to reach the trapdoor. Climb about halfway down and look for a ledge on the left. Jump over the first trapdoor you come across in the darkened hallway. Drop through the trapdoor in the small room and you'll fall into a control center. Hit the button on the wall nearby. The inmates arrive to mug the MP, who drops a Security Pass.
Check the door to the left of the dining room entrance. The room with the large boxes is a straightforward movement puzzle. Run around the room, pushing the movable box beneath the hole in the ceiling. Up above the box room, jump the pipe and throw the switch on the wall. Swim back through the box room, and up through another hole in the ceiling.
Jump across the sizzling kitchen to the room with the red floor. Follow the walkway, wary of barbwire pits. In the yellow chamber, throw the switch on the wall to shut off the kitchen grill. Backtrack through the hole in the ceiling where you arrive, though the button opens the nearby door. Double back to the outer walkway, and then go through the room with the red floor to the hole above the kitchen.
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