Swim down the underwater passage, and turn right as it widens. Swim to the switch on the wall, pull it and roll. Swim straight to the other end of the chamber, and you'll find another switch to pull. Once you've pulled both underwater switches in the large area, doubleback down the passage you came from, and look for an opening in the ceiling about halfway down. You will surface in a huge chamber. The other switches in the pool cause the statues to billow fire, revealing translucent platforms. Turn off the statues, and use a flare as your guide. Jump and grab the platform from the side where you find the Save Crystal. From the translucent platform, jump to the ledge and throw the switch. Quickly jump left, then turn and step off the edge of the ledge, leaning to the right to catch the ground below. Sprint through the timed door. This is a good place to save. When you throw the switch, turn immediately to the left, and sprint down the wide hallway.
A Ganesha Key sits at the far end of the hallway, to the left. Grab it and roll, then sprint back down the hallway toward the spiked wall. The door through which you entered is open, if you can make it before the wall passes that point. Wade through the mud, sticking to the sides of the chamber to avoid falling debris. Follow the mudslide up the hill, leaping over two sets of slopes to a hallway with a nasty boulder trap. Get the Flares from the nook (where the boulder will stop), then stand on the first step and roll to trigger the trap. Light the left turn with a flare to aid your escape. Past the boulder, the hallway divides. Choose the right-hand path.
Continue in the hallway, kill all the monkeys and claim another Save Crystal. Climb down the ladder, and drop from the bottom back into the room with the Ganesha Keys door. Through the door which opened by the two switches on the ledge, dispose of the monkeys near the dry pool. Down a hallway off the pool is the second Ganesha Key. To open the hallway, you have to flood the pool. Save the game. ... Далее >>