
Ой!Так, так, что у нас тут новенького?Ляляля ляляля ..
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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Tomb Raider 3 - complete walkthrough.
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 57 Текущая : 41

Backtrack to the crack in the floor, and climb into the train. Press the
button, and exit with a new area accessible. Keep your finger off the
trigger as you enter the dark hallway. You have to let the badguy up ahead
live, at least temporarily. Follow the torch-bearer down the hallway. Be
ready for an attack as you round the final corner: Two badguys rush at you.
In the small room, press both Switches.

You need to backtrack through the train, all the way to the red room. Yes,
the red room. In the hallway where you gave chase, and also near the small
room wit the buttons are two ramps. Those end the level. Use the overpass to
head back to the low section of tracks. Up through the trapdoor in the red
room, you'll see that door has opened.

LONDON-Lud's Gate

Now that you've made friends, you can let the immortals be, and they'll keep
to themselves. From the room with two small pools, choose the left-hand
path. Slide to the chamber below, then quickly turn and pull up to the ledge
on the right. Drop down to the crack and then the ground, and walk through
the barbwire. Pull up to the wide spot in the crack and enter the dark area.
There's a hole in the ceiling to use as an exit. You have to jump around a
corner to grab the edge of a slope, and make it back up above the barbwire.

The button opens a nearby trapdoor. Climb to the hallway before you jump to
the mesh, and grab the Large Medi Pack. Climb the mesh to this point above
the green grate, then jump and spin. Don't grab, and you'll reach the ledge
standing up. Backflip from the stripe in the red area, spin and grab the
ladder. Climb up, then drop and grab very quickly so that Lara hangs from
the ledge. From the hanging position, you can pull up to the ledge. Climb up
the mesh and crawl to the end of the passage. Grab the ammo and crawl back
... Далее >>

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Кто прислал: Corvin Когда: -:-:- - стр. 41 -


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