nearby pillar.
From the pillar, run and jump and grab the edge of the slope. Pull up, and slide and jump to the ledge where you could see the Save Crystal. Down below, remove the hostility and gather ammo. The boxes above the doorway must be repositioned. By climbing to the ledge and then using the face of the first box to climb to an upper hallway, you can reconfigure the boxes and spy a Secret. Jump and grab the edge of the blue ledge, and hang and drop to the floor to exit. Moving the second box allows you to return to near the start of the level.
Use the Embalming Fluid at the ceremonial niche in the first room of the level. A passage opens nearby. Swim down and grab the UPV. Bank to the right in the large chamber to spy an opening. Head for the hole beneath the box as a crocodile pursues. If you get inside the hole and pivot, you can easily shoot the croc as it comes through the narrow opening. Gather the goodies from around the large area, returning to the small chamber to get air. Toward the far right corner of the room, a current sucks you to a new area.
Follow the underwater tunnel. Through the glass you can spy a Secret. Pull the lever on the wall to the right. Up above, push the button to open another passage down in the tunnel. Follow the underwater passage. When the area opens up, continue underwater to the right. You can surface in the area around another right turn. Below is a room with a Switch to pull. Near the room with the lever that opens the trapdoor, there's another small opening in the wall. Gather the stash. Swim back past the underwater entrance to the large area, and continue down the narrow passage. On the right is a ledge. Climb out and keep low.
You have to stop the frogman from closing the Secret area, beneath the water ... Далее >>