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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Tomb Raider 3 - complete walkthrough.
Тип документа : Solution Всего страниц : 57 Текущая : 32

moving forward. Pivot left and drop off at the wall. Collect the ammo from
the left-hand shore and monkey-swing over to the opposite side of the
stream. Jump around the corner to the slope, and from there to the platform.
Jump back and grab the wall. Climb. When you reach the outside area, look
for a tunnel on your right. Inside the tunnel, you have to duck a number of
rolling boulders. Past the boulders, you arrive upstream. Run and jump to
the platform on the right and climb to the crawl space. Through the crawl
space, stand and jump to the central platform, and then run and jump to the
ledge beyond. Watch your head and stick the landings.

Ride the rope slider down. You have to jump off on the entryway ledge, or
you'll take a small amount of damage from landing in the room. Climb the
tall texture, ready for a dragon ambush from the right, at the top. Throw
the Switch in the outer hall to pull the plug. When the torch lights in the
nearby hallway, another dragon comes out to play. Return to the Kayak and
head down the drain. You have to ride the edge or you'll take serious damage
from the fall into the chamber below. Kill the crocodile. Beneath the ledge
is a Switch that opens the exit and release a pair of crocs into the small

SOUTH PACIFIC-Temple of Puna

The temple begins in a hostile intersection. Draw your weapon and look to
the right. Blast the tribesmen in the hallway. If you get poisoned, quickly
clean the stairs of all the enemies before having a Medi Pack. In the lower
area, the gate is the entrance to the boss's lair. The large room with the
boulder on the ramp is the final stage of the trap leading up to the boss.
The enemies attack as soon as this level gets underway.

Follow the stairway up, ready for one last blow-dart warrior on the long
... Далее >>

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