From the pillar where you grab after jumping, pull up above the monkey swing. Turn away from Sophia and look beyond the low box with the metal top. Peering over the edge, you can perceive a Secret. Hang on the ornate wall and spy an opening below. Drop down and grab the ledge, then pull up to pilfer the goodies from the chamber.
Hang and drop back to the floor outside, ready for an assault. Sophia continues to hammer away as you climb back to the ledge with the small metal box. Try not to get caught out in the open. Listen for the sound of your foe recharging her power. In the opposite direction of the Secret is a walkway leading to a button. Roll as soon as you push the button, as Sophia zeroes in for the kill.
Hustle back along the walkway. A trapdoor has opened to the ledge above. Pull up to the ledge. Now you're almost on the same level as the boss. Run along the upper walkway toward the ladder.
You can hide out near the base of the ladder and wait for the boss to recharge. Quickly climb up the ladder when the time is right. At the top of the ladder, quickly crawl through the space on the right. If you linger, or take too long scooping up the Small Medi Pack, you will pay. Crawl through and then turn around and climb atop the crawl space.
Off to the right, you can see an easy jump to the bad side of town, but don't make that leap just yet. Instead, run along the upper walkway. Run, jump, and grab the distant ledge as the boss unloads to your right. Climb up and keep moving straight ahead. There's a fuse box on the wall.
Shoot the fuse box and Sophia gets an overload of power. You can see the last of the relics across the way, but the direct route is electrified. ... Далее >>