killed before reaching the alarm pad, the small crawl space is open. Collect the ammo and drop through the trapdoor mesh to the hallway below. Deal with the guard and investigate the near corner.
When you open the small cell with the switch in the hall, the prisoner you let loose takes on the arriving MP. Crawl in and get the Large Medi Pak. In the long hallway, bypass the laser traps in favor of the crawl space. Kill the MP. The buttons on the large panels are monitors for the trap up ahead. When you go for the door in the chamber, bad guys arrive from either side. A switch in one badguy's alcove opens the crawl space in the other.
Trip the green alarm beams and shoot the guard. Continue up the corridor. When the corridor branches, head to the right. Use the cover of the wall to take down the sniper near the rocket. Take the Code Clearance Disk from the ledge and return to the hallway through which you arrived. At the other end of the hallway, the left turn from the steep corridor, is the console which requires the disk. Hop over the intersecting alarm beams. With the missile lifted, you can reach the ammo on the ledge.
Run and jump to the ladder between the two missiles. Backflip from the top of the climb. Peg the sniper in the far corner of the upper area with the Desert Eagle. Leap to the sniper's ledge, using the gap in the beams above, and take the Hangar Access Key. At the other end of the sniper's ledge, drop down to the platform on the other side of the winch. Shoot the funky grating on the wall near the winch and climb into the tunnel. Follow the corridor for a prize. Head back to the rocket room. There's a hallway at floor level.
Step past the hole in the floor. That's launch control. Continue in the upper hallway and apply the Hangar Access Key to the lock. Kill the guard on the train platform and drop carefully into the area near the electrified ... Далее >>