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Веселая ферма 3
Веселая ферма 3

Сокровища Монтесумы 3
Сокровища Монтесумы 3

Игра: Tomb Raider 2 (ENG)
Тип документа : Hint Всего страниц : 64 Текущая : 14

near the top of the wall. Turn right after entering the smaller passage
then find the small opening to the lower-bottom-left of the wall. Enter and
immediately turn left to find some grenades before continuing back to the
right to find Secret #2; the Gold Dragon. Flip the nearby switch then head
straight up to the newly opened door where you can finally take a breath.
Do NOT climb out here or you will burn to death. Instead, retrace your path
through the maze back to the library door. Enter the Library and kill the
gunman across the room. Go through the large doors and climb up the
bookcase on the left. You can kill a pair of rats from the small area above
before jumping over to flip the switch which opens another guarded doorway.
After you kill this guard, go through the door and climb the books on the
left. Jump towards the window then turn left and climb up. Shoot the window
then jump to the sill. Turn and exit the window backwards so you slide down
the awning. Grab the end the pull up so you backflip to a ledge behind you.
Run and jump to the roof across from your new position, then turn left and
jump to the TOP of the brick wall. This next sequence is extremely
difficult (at least it was for me) so SAVE frequently. While standing ON
the wall, walk to the end to the top of the slope. Turn so you are facing
the building across the canal and do a running jump to grab the lowest
section of the roof. Pull yourself up and head for the smoke stack. Stand a
few steps back from the edge of the roof and jump toward the ledge. Grab on
and shimmy left until you can pull up. Go behind the wall to find a pool of
water and a pair of Uzi's. Drop down next to the shack and kill the
henchman, taking the ammo he leaves behind. Take the Detonator Key from the
table then step towards the door and it will automatically open. Kill the
gunman on the other side, taking evasive action if necessary. Take his
medkit before returning to the main room of the Library. There is a switch
on the wall so flip it to open the door. Enter and kill 2 more gunmen who
approach from the left. Relieve them of their shells and Uzi ammo before
continuing. Don't use the key in the Detonator box just yet. Instead, climb
... Далее >>

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