Reverse Roll to back away from switches after using them. You can also skip the mini-movies by pressing Lara's "look" button to save valuable seconds. And if you just can't manage to get that statue, you can always surface and fill-up on air before diving back down to get it. Drop down into the next area and survey all the rocks and junk in this room. Find and drop through the hole in the floor then find and pull the box so it is under the opening. Now you can climb up and use the switch which will dump all the rocks from above down to this level. You can now reach two new opening and a door opposite the switch. Make your way to the opening on the right and climb up to reach the previous level. You can only grab the ledge that faces center of the room below to do this. Staying along the left wall and go into the opening above. Use the switch to open a door somewhere else in this level then drop all the way down to the lower level and this time climb up into the left opening. Keep along the right wall until you can climb up to a flat ledge. Do a running jump to land on another ledge on the left. Climb up into the opening above to find and flip another switch to flood an upcoming room. Once again, return to the lower level and this time enter the door and follow the passage to the room you just flooded. There is a door below and a frogman in the water so dive in and kill him with the harpoon gun. After you eliminate this obstacle, continue through the passage and get out of the water fast. A workman and a Rig Boss are moving in for the kill. When they are dead you can take their medkit, shells and 2 packs of harpoons over in the corner. Use the switch on the wall to open the door and exit this level...
Wreck of the Maria Doria
Kill the frogman before attempt to get those harpoons. Then you can proceed ... Далее >>