passage and go to the door with the Green Key Lock. There is also a switch and a trapdoor in this area. Flip the switch to see that empty tank behind you being filled with water. Return and drop down to the floor then swing across the water tank and head right. Go over the pipes then head left until you find a switch on the wall which opens the trap door back near the door with the Green Key Lock. Go all the way back and drop into the trapdoor and slide down the ramp. Deadly Frogmen are lurking in the water so run to the right and see if you can catch one on the surface and blast him. If you miss him or he's not there, just return to the other end and dive in and get ready for action. Swim toward the pillars quickly as you are being pursued by a deadly frogman. Climb up on the closest pillar using one of the two sides with the yellow stripes and wait for the frogman to surface. Finish him off with your favorite weapon. The next closest pillar has a ladder which leads to the catwalk above. Before you climb up it, go get Secret #3; the Gold Dragon which is sitting at the base of the pillar at the end of that catwalk where you ran to try and shoot the first frogman. When you claim your prize, two guards will arrive. You can either fight them here to snipe them from the catwalk above. When you are up the ladder you need to follow the catwalk and do a running jump when you reach the gap. Grab on and pull up and kill the gunman who just happens to have your Shotgun. Take back your weapon then go right and when you reach the central wall, go left and follow the catwalks. You should spot a hole in the wall up above (the Exit) and another bad buy up ahead guards the Green Key Card which is inside a box. Kill him, then jump into the box. You will break through and can now take the card. Follow the catwalk up to the hole in the wall and return to the room with the door with the Green Key Lock, making sure to kill the guard you meet on the way. Once the door is open you need to flip that switch on the wall to drain the water from the one tank and pump it into the other. Now you can swim through the opening and flip the underwater switch to open the grate. Climb up and head down the ... Далее >>