to the top of the brick wall and go to the left end of the wall. Pull up twice so that you are now standing on the sloped roof. Shoot out the glass and take Secret #3; the Jade Dragon from the table. Jump into the water and swim over to the low brick wall with the Detonator Box. Use the key to blow up the building, then kill that gunman that is above and behind you. Climb onto the brick wall to gain access to the demolished building. Begin the long ascent to the top of the rubble. After much jumping, grabbing and pulling up, you will reach the top and can take the path which leads to a dark hall and the end of this level.
Opera House
This level starts off with a rather challenging gunfight. You can run around taking random shots at the gunman on the platform below until he finally dies. Then take his ammo and jump into the water from where he was standing moments ago. Swim left around the building and climb the ladder, getting off on the small ledge. Walk to the edge of the landing and while facing the canal, jump and grab so you can pull up to the top. Flip the switch to open a door in the roof then continue climbing the ladder to the ledge above. Run and jump to the ledge across the canal then turn to the left and do a running jump to the ledge with the swinging box. Pull up and continue along the canal performing a running jump to the slanted rooftop. Grab onto the edge and shimmy to the left until you reach a small ledge. Do a running jump and a grab in midair so you arc through the opening in the roof. Draw your guns in midair to take out the guard, then take the Ornate Key. Start up the stairs and kill the gunman when he comes through the door. Take his medkit and go to the top of the stairs. Make your way back to the previous ledge with the swinging box and position yourself so you are looking at a ledge with a small building to the left. Do NOT try to jump through the opening in the center of that building. The floor below ... Далее >>