grate and climb up the ladder. Continue climbing up the grate until you are across from an opening which would have been blocked if you hadn't so cleverly lowered the grate before climbing up. Drop down to the floor and kill the gunman to the left making a special effort NOT to go underneath the sandbag. Take his medkit then head towards the doors to the right. Making extra sure to stay out from underneath that sandbag, kill the advancing Doberman and henchman. Turn back towards the first gunman and continue until you reach another pair of Dobermans which you can feel free to kill. There is a switch here which is missing a Relay Box so make a note of its position - you will be back later. Head around the upper walkway towards the open doors. A sandbag will smash through the floor allowing you to look down into the hole. Take a few steps back and do a running jump so you reach the small ledge below. Two Dobermans and a gunman appear on the ground floor, so kill them before dropping to the floor below. Kill the gunman hiding in the dark on the second level from the top so he won't snipe you when you reach the floor. Make your way to the floor and climb onto the box near the wall opposite the stage. Jump and pull up to the walkway. Get past the broken floor until you reach the wall with the curtains. Go to the edge and jump forward and pull up to kill another gunman and relieve him of his ammo. Return to the ground floor and run along the back wall to trigger two rolling boulders. Take the medkit from the gunman you killed from above then go into the water. Another gunman comes out on stage and his performance is less than acceptable. Kill him and take his Uzi ammo after you kill the Doberman coming in from the left and another gunman sneaking in from behind. Off to the side where the Doberman originated is a small alcove with a switch. Flip the switch to open a grate at the other end of the stage. As you approach the grate some more bad guys arrive for target practice. After you have killed them and taken the medkit, jump and pull up to the ledge where the grating was. Walk - do not run - through the glass then turn left and do a running jump and ... Далее >>