wheel. Spin it to open the door then enter and drop to the floor. Move the box until you can reach the switch then use it to open the door above. Move the box up there so you can reach the door. Continue through the next room and up the ramp to deal with another guard, then head for the next room which has a box in it. Move this box so you can reach the switch above and take the Rusty Key that was under the box. You can now return to the hall and use the key in the door opposite the open door to the empty room. Enter and drop to the floor and move the box so you can pull out the box above. After you pull the first box and push the second one, you should find a passage to the right. The floor will break away here and there are also barrels which will roll over you if you try to simply dart across the collapsing floor. Instead, run a sweeping arc to collapse all the panels while avoiding the barrels. You should end up where you started. Heavy breathing should tip you off that another bad guy is lurking in the vicinity. Head around the left corner and take care of the guard then return to the tiles where the barrels came from and go get Secret #2; the Jade Dragon. This is tricky as a lone barrel is waiting to crush you. Jump up to the sloping passage and as you pull up you should hear the approaching barrel. Jump back then to the left to sidestep the barrel then you can proceed up the passage to claim your statue. When you arrive at the room with the grate floor and a boat below you need to drop down to the boat and flip the underwater switch over by the ladder. This opens a timed door up above so get back on the boat and pull up to the floor above and run through the door. Flip the switch you find in here to permanently keep the door open, then begin a series of jumps between the two sloped areas. Keeping jumping until the pit below closes then you can stand and pull yourself up into the opening. Flip the switch to open up a section of the wall back past the area with the boat. Return to the newly exposed area and kill the workman and the guard then push the button on the left to open a timed trapdoor. Run around the pool and dash through the trapdoor before it ... Далее >>