your left so follow him until you reach the locked door to the Strongroom. A mercenary should break through a nearby window so grab the grenades from the ledge outside then return to the hall and head for the door on the left. If you haven't already kill the mercenary then he should be following you, so lead him past the Monk and let him do your dirty work. Now you can climb the ladder to the walkway above the Monastery's main room where you will find the Main Hall Key being guarded by a Monk. Walk around the walkway then follow the path past the rolling boulders. Find the box where the second boulder came to rest and push it. Then go to the pool and jump in. The current is strong and you will be pulled to the bottom so find the underwater tunnel to escape the current. Follow the tunnel until you take a tremendous plunge into a pool and darkness. Use a flare to light the passage and begin the dangerous journey past the deadly doors. These doors are similar to the swordsmen guards back in Bartoli's Hideout. Inch up as close as you can get then run past them. When you reach the ladder you can climb to the room above and team up with a Monk to kick some butt. Move the boxes to reveal the exit then take Prayer Wheel #1 from the dark area. Taking the wheel trips the burners so hug the right wall and jump from the where you tool the wheel to the edge closest to the first burners. One more jump should take you over the second row then you can return back to the Main Hall and use that key. Past the door is a Priest and two more Monks. They will assist you in combat if you lead them over to the railing. Enter the door on the right and continue through the room to the passage on the other side to the left. Do a running jump over some blades then head down a long hall and enter the left door to acquire the Strongroom Key from a Monk. Return to the Strongroom and obtain the Rooftop Key. Now return to the hall where you first saw the Monk after coming in through the window. This time take the door on the right to enter a room with a locked door which just happens to fit your new key exactly. Hug the left wall to get safely past the rolling blades and continue to the next passage. Behind the ... Далее >>