up the next one until the first is dead. These guys are fast and deadly so kill them quick and dodge their attacks. The second guard wake up when you advance towards the front of the island.
Jump and pull up through the trapdoor to wake the third guard below when you step on the raised platform inside. You can try to kill him through the trap door but it may take awhile. Get the first Mystic Plaque, some flares, Uzi clips and a medkit before dropping back down to finish off the last guard (if you already didn't). Now look for a flat rock over by the tree. Jump and pull up to the roof to get Secret #1; the Jade Dragon. Head for the other side of the island opposite where you arrived and do a hang, drop and grab to reach the ledge below which has a switch that opens the exit.
Do a running jump to the exit then another running jump to the next island. Head to the other end of that island and jump to the left to reach the rocks above. You should be able to see an island that resembles some stairs so head off in that direction and do a running jump to grab and pull up. Pull up two more times to reach the first step then climb all the steps to the top. Head right and do another running jump to another stairway. Turn and go up the stairs killing the Warrior you meet about halfway up. His friend comes to life when you reach the top of the steps so kill him too.
When the steps end head to the left above the door and jump to the first slope you landed on when you jumped from the first island. This time do a running jump and slide and grab to hang from the bottom of the slope. Drop to the ledge below then do a running jump to reach the island with the second Mystic Plaque. Another running jump should having you grabbing on to the right of the crest on the nearby island where you can do another jump to the large island where you obtained the other Plaque. Continue back to the foot of the green stairs by the door where you use the two Plaques. ... Далее >>