down the underwater tunnel until you can climb out onto a ledge and take the medkit. Slide down the slope then hang and drop to the floor which breaks away dropping you even further. Kill the workman and guard in this next area and claim their medkits and Uzi clips. Pull out the moveable box in this area to uncover a few more moveable boxes. Continue to move the first box until it is in the hallway. Now you can push and pull the remaining two boxes until you reveal two concealed passages. Look for a hole in the ceiling on the other side of the room. Climb up and kill a patrolling guard up ahead and the other who sneaks in from the rear. Take Secret #1; the Stone Dragon from the hole then return to the two passages. The left passage goes to a locked bathroom so take the right passage to the Ballroom and kill the workman and the guard on your way. Feel free to take their medkit and flares before entering the Ballroom. Watch out for the deadly glass as you take out the guard on the second level. Move around to the side of the hole where there is no glass then step back and run into the hole letting your momentum carry you to the ledge below. You should easily find the Bathroom Key nearby before making a return jump to the side of the hole without the glass where you can pull back up to the Ballroom. Return to the left passage which leads to the bathroom and use your key on the lock behind the chair. Push the button to open the double doors and kill the workman who comes charging out. Go through these doors to find and push another button to open the door on the second level of the Ballroom. Go back and press the other button to shut these doors before leaving. Back in the Ballroom, drop off and shimmy to the left to reach the open door. Now you can take the ramp to the right of the door up to the second level. Take the ammo from the guard you shot earlier then continue on until you can do a running jump to grab a ledge which has Circuit Breaker #1. Take it then return to the door. You should now be in a hall with several doors. The first door on the left leads to an empty room but open it anyway. The only other door you can open (right now) is the door on the right with the ... Далее >>