required of the four Theurgists. Rightly fearing the power the Theurgists
wielded over fire, the people labeled them Sorcerers for their dealings with
daemons, and shunned them. The Sorcerers readily accepted their fate and
secreted themselves away from the others. They named a Master Sorcerer,
though after a violent death he was replaced by the First Acolyte. Many
accusations were cast about who was responsible for the death, though
nothing ever came of it. A precedent was set, however, and in the
subsequent centuries, the more powerful Acolytes were always ready to take
the Mastery from those fellow Sorcerers who grew weak or complacent.
After the Titans were appeased or controlled, the era of peace which still
exists to this day settled on the people. The few Zealans who clung
tenaciously to their weakening gods are now extinct, though only after the
Pagans endured decades of raiding and murder.
People are free to live normal lives. They tend their fields or wares,
performing their daily duties as is right. Those few who have instead
devoted their lives to the pursuit of magic live apart from the populous.
The Necromancers, asked to depart from society to perform the distasteful
but necessary task of preparing the dead for Lithos, have handed over their
rule to the Tempests. The Sorcerers remain in their hidden enclave, while
the Theurgists continue their studies in the monastery on their small
island .
This segment of history, if it can be called such, belongs
more in a work of fiction than in this objective
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