Effectively, spell books are used as sources for spell formulae. These books
describe the rituals, foci or reagents necessary to cast the spells, as well as
explaining the results of success and, sometimes, the results of failure.
Foci are material items used to bind and release magical energy. Sometimes
they do nothing more than enhance the caster's ability to concentrate, that
is, focus on his or her spell. Other foci store the energy in the form of
charges, allowing the caster to prepare
much of the spell beforehand and then
simply release the energy when necessary.
At the very least, foci serve to channel the
etheric waves into usable power.
Finally, reagents are the disposable
components of casting. They are natural
materials consumed when the spell is cast.
Sometimes the spell caster scatters the
reagents about the affected area, while
other times they are simply mixed together
in precise proportions.
Within all living things is a magical energy or life-force.
However, once the life has passed from a body, a by-
product of the life-force, emitted as etheric waves,
remains inside. Lithos, the Titan of Earth, imbues those
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