daemon, become servants and warriors
for the Lord of Flame and his followers.
Daemons are bipedal creatures with
mottled and scaly skin, sporting sharp
claws and talons. Atop their heads are
two horns, while coarse brown fur
covers their legs.
These hideous beasts are terrible tools
of destruction. With their powerful
arms and sharp fangs and claws, they
rend their victims with razor-like ability. According to the few witnesses
who have seen a daemon attack, the victims scream of the burning pain
that comes from each strike, and legend maintains that daemons can even
hurl destructive balls of flame. As fire is their primary tool, daemons seem
lmmune to the effects of flame themselves, and their thick scales make
them nearly impervious to the common blade.
Ghosts, also known as wraiths, are the
disembodied spirits of those who died
so tragically that even the Titans have
no use for them. They appear as twisted
shapes of gray floating above the
ground. Tied to the general location of
their demise, ghosts rarely travel far in
search of victims. They consume life
forces to give them strength. Ghosts
have complete control over their
visibility, often remaining invisible
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