This spell, first formulated by what could only have been an insane mage, is
designed to disrupt the very fabric of life throughout the world. All
creatures and beings, save the crazed Thaumaturge who casts this spell, face
instant eradication. As far as I can tell, there has never been a successful
casting of this spell.
Reagents: Bat Wing, Serpent Scale, Dragon Blood, Pig Iron,
Excutioner's Hood. Blackmoor. Brimstone
METEOR SHO WER (Kal Des Flam Ylem)
Rocks, summoned from unseen heights, cascade in a fiery torrent upon
friends and foes alike--only the caster remains untouched.
Reagents: Ash, Dirt, Serpent Scale, Brimstone, Blackmoor
Though I had initially intended this vJork to act as a grand
referenceforfuture scholars, I realize no7v that much of this is
too inconsequentialfor such a treatise. It is the result of my
fascination zvith people of the present as well as the past. To those
students ?vho cannot use the dated words zvithin this text, I hope
at least that I have provided a little insight to the times as they
are now, so that historical essays compiled long after I have gone
to serve the Mountain King may benefitfrom these idle
observations. To the sages of the next generations, I offer my
salutations and best wishes. This, my small gift of knowledge, is
the greatest offering I can give.