oft times filthy with disease-ridden
decay. As they are already dead and
serve only a single function, skeleton
warriors attack relentlessly until
Compiling this information took considerably more
effort than I first expected. The project began at first
as idle curiosity--I merely wanted to know more about
spellcasting. I contacted the leader of each of the four types
of magic-- Necromancy, Tempestry, Theurgy and Sorcery--
and requested that they convey what information they
could to me. The Theurgists and Necromancer complied
readily. The Tempest responded via her seneschal, who
informed me that Our Lady Mordea was occupied qvith too
many "important" matters to concern herself with my
trivia. Equally frustrating, the Master Sorcerer was quite
reluctant to reveal much about spells of Fire, only sending
what he did after becoming completely assured I was up to
no nefarious plotting.
Fortunately, Mythran knows quite a lot about magic and
spells, as I suspected, and was extremely helpful in filling
in the gaps left by Lady Mordea and Malchir. Indeed, I
learnedfrom Mythran that he, himself; has acquired the
ability to cast snippets of the other types of magic. Though
I do not mistrust his words, I do think it strange that he
mentions reagents for his spells the likes of which I have
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