Blackmoor Power This is an odd mixture of the
element of Earth and the
mysterious Blackrock.
By this ritual, the Necromancer may assume a state of near-death that will
appear as actual death. The Necromancer is completely cognizant, and can
ispel the effects at any tlme.
Reagents: Wood, Executioner 's Hood
CALL QUAKE (Kal Vas Ylem Por)
This ritual causes the very earth to rise up and heave.
Reagents: Blood, Bone, Wood, Blackmoor
DEATH SPEAK (Kal Wis Corp)
This ritual briefly returns a semblance of life to a deceased body and allows
the Necromancer to converse with the spirit of the once living. However, if
the being has not undergone certain preparations before death, this spell is
quite a painful experience, usually rendering the subject incoherent.
Reagents: Blood, Bone
ROCK FLESH (Rel Sanct Ylem)
With this ritual, the Necromancer gains an innate resistance to damage by
transforming the very flesh into a substance as strong as stone.
Reagents: Wood, Dirt
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