move quite slowly, as if they must first
decide where to place each foot before
taking a step - though anyone who has
watched a troll move through a small
community, stepping on whatever is
underfoot, knows better than to think a
troll is careful. There are those who
speculate that trolls are the offshoot of
an ancient tribe of particularly evil and
stupid Zealans, though none of the
ancient tomes in Tenebrae support that
Trolls fight poorly, being so slow and bulky. However, their solid strength
means certain death for most who are careless enough to be struck. All
trolls use clubs, usually pulled from dead vegetation, though even their
powerful fists are enough to deliver a tremendous blow.
The seeker is nothing more than an
abomination of nature. One large eye
floats about connected to a huge,
snapping mouth via a thick red
membrane. It is hoped that this
creature is the result of a magical
concoction, but others claim that
seekers are the living remains of the
Destroyer, as foretold by the one who
called himself the Guardian.
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