the Elemental Titans. Though the war raged for years, it became quickly
apparent that the Pagans would emerge victorious. Thousands of Zealans were
killed when Hydros withdrew from their lands and Lithos forever sealed them
within the Lost Vale. Then, when the Pagans had nearly routed most of the
Zealan resistance, the Guardian gave his final warning: "Take your people and
depart from the temple. The Destroyer has come.
The Pagans fled the temple and, just as the Guardian had prophesied, a
scarlet visage appeared in the sky - the last time the Pagan sky was visible.
The Destroyer's malevolent yellow eyes glared out across the land, finally
resting upon the great temple, and bolts of lightning shot forth,
obliterating the entire mountain top. The people cried out, calling for the
aid of the Titans. Also as predicted, the Titans rose to the challenge, facing
the Destroyer in a fantastic battle.
Clouds shrouded the earth. Night and day seemed to cease, pitching the
world into a state of never-ending twilight. The earth shook in violent
tremors while torrents of rain and hail pelted down from above. The very
winds transformed into cyclones, whipping across the land, and volcanoes
opened up like wounds, hurling fiery death upon the people. Much of the
land was broken apart and many islands were annihilated or forced beneath
the seas. Finally, the Titans returned to face the people, claiming victory
against the Destroyer.
The world that remained was pitted and scarred, a vast wasteland with a
smattering of island chains. The ocean brine had increased ten-fold -
formerly lush shore plants now withered at the touch of the tide. Many of
the survivors, both Pagans and Zealans, gathered on one of the larger
islands, from then on called Morgaelin after the volcanic remains of its lone
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