Foci: Rod, Staff or Symbol
FIRE SHIELD (In Flam An Por)
With this spell, flames come into existence encircling the Sorcerer. No
tangible creature except a daemon can pass through this flaming barrier,
including the Sorcerer. Anyone foolish enough to try is thrown back and
burned in the bargain.
Foci: Rod, Staff or Symbol
ARMOR OF FLAMES (Vas Sanct Flam)
This spell bathes the Sorcerer in a corona of magical flames that ward off
all other Fires of magical nature, including those cast by another Sorcerer.
Foci: Rod, Staff or Symbol
CREATE FIRE (In Flam Ylem)
At the casting of this spell, a fire erupts around the target. Those who are
foolish enough to remain in the blaze will continue to suffer damage until
they step out of the flames.
Foci: Staff or Symbol
EXPLosloN (Vas Ort Flam)
This is much like the Flame Bolt spell, but with considerably larger and
more devastating effects.
Foci: Staff or Symbol
SUMMON DAEMON (Kal Flam Corp Xen)
This ritual of binding will summon a daemon to attack one foe of the
Sorcerer's designation. The dangerous nature of this spell lies in the fact
that if no victim is specified as soon as the creature appears, the daemon
will attack the Sorcerer.
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