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Игра: Ultima VIII: Pagan (ENG)
Тип документа : Docs Всего страниц : 44 Текущая : 26

until prey is near enough to scare.

Feeding on the spirits of the living, wraiths attack with a draining touch
that leaves the victim weak of body and will. Armor is useless against their
attack, and weapons without some sort of enchantment cannot hurt them.
Legend claims that some of the Necromantic magics may affect a ghost, but
I doubt there is any evidence to support the supposition. Note that a
ghost's non-corporeal nature permits it to access many areas sealed to
ordinary folk.

Ghouls are the animated corpses of the recently dead. Wearing nothing
more than the clothing in which they were interred, ghouls - or zombies -
are extremely slow in both thought and action. Unlike skeleton warriors, the
ghouls' function is far less oriented towards combat, and they begin their
service as soon as they make their way to the Mountain King's domain.

However, when sacred areas such as the
cemetery are disturbed, ghouls are there
to confront the trespasser. Fortunately
for the perpetrator, movement for
ghouls is extremely difficult and
painful, rendering them poor
combatants. An ironic twist to the
ghouls' nature is that they consume the
flesh of their prey, thus making it
impossible for the victims ever to reach
Lithos and serve him.

Minion of the Lurker
... Далее >>

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