Foci: Daemon Talisman or Symbol
BANISH DAEMON (An Flam Corp Xen)
As the name so plainly states, this spell will usually return a daemon to its
home in the Fire of the volcano. Unfortunately, even the most skilled
Sorcerers have been known to perform an unsuccessful banishment.
Foci: Daemon Talisman or Symbol
CONFLAGRATION (Kal Vas Flam Corp Xen)
This is the most powerful ritual that the Sorcerer's Cabal has revealed. If
any greater exists, only they know about it. By use of this spell, a malicious,
daemonic force of destructive nature manifests near the caster, where it
then commences to wreak savage destruction on all things near the
Foci: Daemon Talisman or Symbol
*Note: As it is not the most stable focus for these spells, the Sorcerer's
symbol of the pentagram will be able to retain only one charge.
Thaumaturgy is the term I use to define the collection of
spells that I have learned over time. Put quite simply,
Thaumaturgy borrows and steals a bit from each of the
other magics, choosing the clear path of chaos rather
than becoming too well defined and stagnant. Much like
Sorcerers, I enchant items with the power of reagents
and the mind.
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