sea, such as oysters, clams and starfish, would best honor the Tempest
rulers. Conversely, proponents of toraxen hides argued that it would be
sacrilege to remove such sea belongings from the domain of Hydros.
Finally, the people agreed upon shaped and stamped obsidian chips.
Obsidian is no longer used for other objects, it comes from the ground,
honoring earth, and can be imprinted with the icons of the other Titans to
show deference to them as well. Moreover, it is possible to confine to
government agencies the technology for heating raw obsidian and molding
the ore into chips. Thus they can enforce a necessary, though arbitrary,
value within city walls.
Those who cannot or will not craft for themselves use these obsidian chips
throughout the city as legitimate exchange for goods and services. Since
there are not many merchants in town, I have taken the liberty of
compiling a list of the few types of goods offered to the general public.
Fresh fish and vegatables can be purchased at the tavern. The weaver
produces fine apparel that is both functional and comfortable. Exquisite
jewelry can be purchased from the jeweler, who also produces some
glassware Quality refreshment is available at the tavern, where herdsmen
bring torax chops and kith fillets. Finally, several of the craftsmen about
town are likely to sell tools of their various trades.
As any member of the militia is sure to admit, finding good weapons and
armor is extremely important. Even though the Zealan raids ended some
time ago, there is always need for arms to protect against the wilds of nature.
The weaponsmith forges and sells all sorts
of swords, axes, maces and hammers, in
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