controlled by use of this reagent.
ExTINGuIsH (An Flam)
This spell douses any flame, save the very hottest.
Foci: Symbol, Wand, Rod or Staff
IGNITE (In Flam)
This spell lights the red and black candles placed around the pentagram.
Foci: Symbol, Wand, Rod or Staff
FLASH (Flam Por)
By means of this spell, the Sorcerer can move from one visible place to
another without actually traversing the intervening space. After many years
of practice, a Sorcerer can even move to places visible not only to the eye,
but to memory as well.
Foci: Wand, Rod, Staff or Symbol
FLAME BOLT (In Ort Flam)
This spell shoots a bolt of fire from the caster, burning anything unlucky
enough to be the target of the Sorcerer's ire.
Foci: Wand, Rod, Staff or Symbol
ENDURE HEAT (Sanct Flam)
This spell creates a glowing field that allows the Sorcerer to touch any non-
magical flame and remain unhurt. With this spell, a Sorcerer can even
endure the heat of lava if it is solid enough to walk upon.
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