Again the "hero" who would come to be known as the Avatar returned to
Britannia in the first recorded use of the Moongates. The Avatar slew Minax's
minions and did eventually destroy her as well.
While there have been speculations as to the motivations of the Avatar,
there is insufficient evidence to show that the Avatar was driven to violence
by jealousy over Mondain's romantic involvement with Minax. That being said,
such theories are hereby denounced and should not be given consideration.
v. The Tale that is Called 'Exodus'
No one in all of Sosana, not even the Avatar, could have realized that by
ending the lives of Mondain and Minax, the Avatar would be orphaning their
only child. The name of this unusual child was Exodus, and he was neither
machine nor human. Exodus rose from the bottom of the Great Ocean to carry
out a campaign of revenge and destruction against the land of Sosana.
So terrible were the forces unleashed by Exodus that the "hero" whom we
would come to know as the Avatar required the assistance of a mysterious
being known as the Time Lord to thwart them. And thus it was that the Avatar
did deal with Exodus in a similar manner as he had dealt with his mother and
Since that time much speculation has been given to the potentially
immeasurable good such a creature as Exodus could have brought the land had
he been persuaded to become beneficent, but I wish to formally disagree with
those who say the Avatar should have handled the situation differently.
vi. The Rise of Britannia
After the smiting of Exodus, the people of Sosaria, who lived in terror
during the onslaught of these evil magical beings, did unite together as a
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